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Teen Honors Veterans

Preserving the stories of our history

“Veterans Day is just one day of every day that we, as Americans, should pay tribute to our heroes.” --Andy Fancher


Veterans Day is just around the corner on November 11th--a day dedicated to honoring the veterans and current fighters of this country. Andy Fancher, a 17 year old living in Duncanville, Texas, has dedicated his time to honoring World War II veterans every day by preserving their stories in documentary videos.


John Ferris was a retired Major in the Air Force who went into the Air Force as soon as he was 18. He became a bomber pilot during World War II and went on to serve 22 years in the military. John Ferris died on June 21, 2016, two weeks after his interview with Andy Fancher Presents; he is just one of many World War II veterans to recently pass. Andy has stated that “in a matter of 5 to 10 years, all the WWII veterans will be deceased.” This fact is a frightening truth to know that in just 10 years from now, any untold personal stories of World War II will be forgotten.


These are the heroes “who fought to preserve the freedom of this nation,” who deserve to be respected and honored not only on Veterans Day, but every other day.  11/7/16

“[We must take] advantage of the time [we] have now, to preserve the stories of those who fought to preserve the freedom of this nation.” --Andy Fancher

Seventeen-year-old Andy Fancher (left) interviews veterans to preserve their stories.

By Madeleine Colvard
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