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Clueless man does not know who won the election -- and doesn't want to


To this day, a Georgia man still does not know who won the presidential election of 2016. Because of the peacefulness it brings the man, he has temporarily put his life in a bubble to prevent hearing about the news.


Joe Chandler, the consciously clueless resident of Brunswick, Georgia does not want to know who won the presidential election.  He went to bed not knowing who won, and says he woke up in the morning with such a peace and liked the way it felt. He loved it so much he wanted to keep it as long as he possibly could.


So his mission began; thus far, he has succeeded in avoiding the news of the next president.


Chandler says it’s not hard to live this way since he works at home and stays away from social media and television. When Chandler does leave his house, he wears headphones so he won’t overhear conversations about the election. He also wears a sign that reads, “I don’t know who won and don’t want to. Please don’t tell me.”


“People have been very respectful of my decision,” Chandler says about the situation.


Chandler knows he can’t avoid this situation all his life, but he is enjoying the peacefulness while it lasts.12/5/16

Joe Chandler wants to have a gender reveal party where the color of the balloon will reveal the candidate: red would be Hillary and blue would be Trump -- but he isn't planning to do it any time soon


Chandler also stated he would like to make it to 2020 without knowing who won but he admitted that he knows he would be lucky to make it to tomorrow


​Chandler says that he fears that when he finds out who won he will step back into a world of misery

Ignorance is Bliss

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