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There comes a time, every year, when millions of kids around the world sit down to begin the treacherous task of listing the beautifully wrapped gifts they wish to find underneath the twinkling lights of their Christmas tree.


But for one, she decides to sit and reminisce. She recalls her past 16 Christmases. She’s reminded of the feelings that haunted her. Slowly, the twisted feeling of dread creeps up on her. She can’t help but remember how her Christmases always felt like a sick act of everyone pretending life is grand, and buying others’ happiness with earthly things.


Rediscovering the Joy of Christmas

By Rosemary



She is 17 now. And, she has been living with her extended family for a while now. This is the first year she doesn’t wake up in her old bed Christmas morning. This time, she feels the warmth, the acceptance, and the unconditional love of her family. This is what Christmas is meant to be. While it’s not what she’s used to, it’s a story of beauty risen from the ashes of a broken life.


There are many children who lack the Magic of Christmas that many families are fortunate enough to experience. There are so many options to provide just a little bit of Christmas magic to those less fortunate. If interested, check out the sidebar for more information about how to give this Christmas season!12/12/16

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