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Treasure Bammel and Andrew Graves are two UME scholars who are taking the SAT test for the third time each. When asked why, both replied that they want to do better. Taking the test so many times helps them to get used to it, and in order to get into a good college and receive scholarships, they know they have to do better than their peers and other students around the country.


Lindsay is a senior striving to attend an Ivy League law school. When asked what advice she would give to kids taking the SAT for the first time, she responded, “Go to Khan Academy- seriously, go to Khan academy- click the SAT button and answer a lot of questions. In the reading section, it starts out with a specific question and then a general, so there’s a method you could use. You can skip to the next problems and they will help you to answer the first ones.”


Andrew, curiously, says something very similar. “Khan Academy has basic SAT Prep that takes your scores and makes a personalized set of review [questions] for the next SAT [practice test] to improve your score! Definitely use Khan Academy as your test prep. It’s free!” he suggests. Andrew also empathizes with the juniors. “It’s hard to prepare for something you don’t know anything about, so I would suggest getting SAT study materials. Take a couple practice tests so you know what to expect.”


As overwhelming as the SAT can seem, the worst thing you can do is stress. Do not try and cram the night before! You need good fresh food and lots of rest. Prepare, but don’t over exert yourself. Too much studying can do more harm than good. As tedious as the process may seem, just remember to study, relax, and sleep well.10/14/16

Just Remember…

  • You have a full five hours to take the SAT

  • You don’t HAVE to do the essay portion, though it is recommended

  • Get good rest, good food, and don’t cram  the night before.

Reality is catching up to Upperclassmen

SAT sets students on road to future

by Rosemary
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