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By Anisah

How many times have you heard girls say, “Oh, I’m just not good at anything,” or “I don’t fit in anywhere.”


There are tons of girls out there who haven’t yet figured out who they are or how they are going to make their mark on the world. Here’s something not everyone realizes. Sports provide something in a woman's, or young girl's, life that can’t be filled by the status of popularity.


Sports give women that push, that cushion, the drive and determination they need to put their heart and soul into something they love. Many celebrities/Important figures such as Zendaya Coleman or Michelle Obama, have discussed the importance of women and young girls participating in athletics, setting examples and discussing the true meaning of sports.


Fitting in isn’t important. The people you meet and the friends you make while being in a team creates community and that is what really makes everything worthwhile. 10/31/16

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