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Coach Davidson

shares his dating


By M. Mendoza

Everyone is always anxious when it comes to our first dates, especially when you have been waiting a year to ask this very special person out. But sometimes things don’t always go as planned.


Coach Davidson shared his own date disaster. ”I wanted  to ask this girl out for some time now; so it came as a bit of a surprise when she accepted my invitation to homecoming,” he said. Many people may agree that things seem to be going well when their date begins, but studies have shown that one-third of dates start off well, but end in disaster.


“Since I decided to ask her out so late I figured she had bought her own ticket, because there were only a few days left,” Coach Davidson explained. Even though it was a pretty reasonable idea to conclude that his date would already have a ticket of her own, 75% of women have said that the lack of communication can ruin more than just a date.


“On the day of the dance when she asked me for her ticket, I was shocked. I explained to her that I thought she had bought her own. She started to cry and cry, but I convinced her everything would be okay," Davidson said. "And once we got to the dance, we were denied the extra ticket, and I convinced her to go in without me, then finally one of my teachers told me she would sneak me in.”


First dates are always a struggle, but they can end well as long as both people are willing to be patient with each other. So remember to prevent the dreaded "bad date," focus on having good communication. 11/7/16

Reasons for first date disasters


  • Your date is too attached to their phones

  • Your date is not over their ex

  • Your date is more of a talker rather than a listener

  • Your date forgets your name

  • Your date makes you pay for the date

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