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The Eagles Servant Leadership Series was held September 22, 2016 at UME Preparatory Academy. The idea of the leadership series was first thought of by Mr. James Tweedy. He’s a suitable leader for the school and is well known for giving his advice. The leadership series was created to help each scholar become a better person and to be a great example.


Scholars were given an opportunity to buy a popular leadership book called ¨The 7 habits of highly effective teens.” The book references a step-by-step guide to help teens improve self-image, build friendships, deal with peer pressure, and achieve their goals. It deals with everyday teen life and the challenges we go through.


The book encourages teens become leaders instead of followers. A true leader is a person that a group of people look up to, a person that is most likely positive, has empathy, and understands certain situations. 10/5/16

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$15 book (optional)

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UME Launches

Leadership Series

A leader is a person that a group of people look up to, a person that is most likely positive, has empathy, and understand certain situations.   Are you a leader?

by Tatúya
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