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I play football because it is a competitive, challenging, and a character building sport that I have a blast doing. There is no better thrill in sports then when you catch a football and run over someone at the same time.


I have learned the importance, of hard work, determination, and the constant drive to push through pain and do your best to complete the goal ahead. You do the best you can, and if your best isn't good enough, you do better. --Kevin

I enjoy playing the sport. I really love sports that involve hands-on running, jumping, and diving...( that's also why I like soccer) --Bethany

As much as I enjoy the adrenaline rush of scoring a touchdown or the heart stopping anticipation of a big hit, I play football because you bond with the players on your team as a family, and it brings the whole community together and gives them something to stand behind as one. --Matt

I love the comradery that can be found in a sports team, having a vastly different group of individuals all brought together by the single like-minded goal of playing until we win. --Hannah

Seniors Reflect on Final Season

By Anisah

Treasure Bammel, 17-year-old former varsity volleyball front row hitter, and Bethany Hinton, 17-year-old former varsity volleyball back row hitter, have concluded their last years of playing volleyball in high school. When asked how they both felt about this being their last time playing as high schoolers, Treasure Responded “It makes me sad, but I will still be able to play volleyball outside of school with my friends.”


After given the opportunity of participating in any sport, you learn many valuable life lessons that you will need to apply in the real world, whether it be from a teacher, a coach or even a teammate. When asked what they have learned from the sport throughout their time, Bethany answered, “A team is like a car, it needs each part to work, the wheels, the body, the engine, the gears and brake, just like a volleyball team needs setters, hitters and diggers, without them the team doesn’t work at its fullest.”


They have both done a great job at keeping their grades up, staying away from the No Pass No Play law. Many teams are affected when No Pass, No Play goes into effect. Teams lose up to 8 or more people due to low or failing grades. When asked what their advice would be to underclassmen regarding High School Sports, they said, “Make sure you try to go to all of the practices, but set your priorities. Academics do come first, and if sports start to interfere with your grades you should stop.” It is important to remember that while sports may be fun, school always comes first in the long run.11/7/16

I enjoy the physical activity. --Logan

I play to be in shape and have fun!  --Treasure

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